
Grandma's Fornia

In just a few minutes I'll be off to the airport to join my family in Californai. Or as Karsyn says, "Grandma's Fornia, where we'll see my birthday!"

Kim and kids have been there for almost two weeks now. I can't wait to see them tonight! We'll spend a couple of nights with Kim's grandpa and then a few more with her sister Kelcy and her husband Eli. On Thursday we're having a big birthday party for all three kids. (Clark and Karsyn's birthdays or on the 23rd and then Quincy's will be on the 25th.) On the 25th we'll be flying up to Seattle where we'll set sail to Alaska on the 26th.

Doesn't it sound odd to hear of a missionary family going on a cruise? I almost feel guilty about it, even though we aren't paying a dime.

I hope the rest of you have a fun time getting back to school.