This last weekend I overheard a part of a conversation going on in our backseat between Quincy and his friend Allison. They must have been discussing cousins because I hear Q say, “My cousin Ana died when she was a baby. But don’t worry cause she’s with God now. Well, I don’t know if she’s still a baby or not.”
It was two years ago today that Baby Ana passed away, breaking all of our hearts. Two years ago today she stepped into a realm that we don’t understand but can only imagine. We won’t know if she’s a baby or full grown until we, one day, are blessed to step through to that same realm. (I’m guessing full grown, however that plays out with a redeemed body. I’m betting she looks just like her mom.)
Until then, our prayers are with Wendy, Chris, Hayden and Ana’s twin sister, Campbell-bell. May God bless you today with much peace. We love you.