
Rush Family Update

This is our most recent newsletter. We've been having problems sending it through our AOL Groups. So if you no longer receive it but want to, let us know and we'll add you to the list.

Also, thank you so much for your prayers for us. We know that the work we are a part of is so richly blessed because so many are watering the fields with prayer.

Growth in Jocotan
Almost immediately after Omar’s baptism, he began talking about those he wanted to share his story with. Since making the decision to change his life, almost a year ago, Omar began escaping to his home after work, avoiding the streets along with the people and the temptations in them. Just recently, though, he’s begun reappearing, and reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances. Many (if not all) are asking him what’s different. Why the change? Some have even asked, “Are the brothers paying you to change?” To which he’s responded, “No. I’ve just started reading the Bible, and it is changing me.”

Many are making fun of Omar for not joining with them as in the ‘good ole days’. Others see Omar’s changed life and want the same. It looks like God is positioning him to impact more and more old friends. Please keep Omar in your prayers. As exciting as this is, it is often slow and taxing. Right now, Omar feels alone in his neighborhood among his friends.

José Julian
One of the first ones Omar began talking about reaching out to was José Julian. José Julian is the husband of Omar’s sister Lilian, though they’ve been separated for three years. José Julian is an alcoholic and wants to change. Omar feels responsible for José Julian’s lifestyle as they were friends even before they were brother-in-laws. And Omar’s influence was one of the factors that lead José Julian into drugs and alcohol. Now, Omar wants to influence him for Christ. We can’t tell you how fun it is to hear Omar talk like this without prompting from us. He really wants to share the gift that God has given him in changing his life for the better.

On one Sunday morning, when just Omar, José Julian and Tim were sitting together, Omar was confessing his desire over the weekend to return to his old way of life. José Julian, who was with us for just the second time and hadn’t said much up until this point, began encouraging Omar, “Cuňo (short for brother-in-law), don’t give up. See these changes you’ve made. You’ve made me think I can do it! Cuňo, I want these changes for my life too! Don’t go back now.” Tim sat in awe of what Jesus was doing among this family.

With the steps toward God that José Julian is making, Lilian is more and more open to reconciling their marriage. Jesus is actually causing healing in this broken home! As you pray with us, please focus on the marriages in our body: for God to unify the couples and bring them closer together as families as they draw closer to him. It is exciting seeing how the transformative power of Christ has become a testimony of God’s power and that it will also increase their influence for God in their neighborhood. It seems like God is already answering our prayers about the feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Around the corner from our home is a children’s home called Ciudad de los Niňos (The City of Children). For quite some time we’ve wondered how we might be able to minister to them. However, they are a catholic-run orphanage and we were told by others that they didn’t allow volunteer work from non-catholics.

Tim passed by the other day and saw some of the kids out throwing a baseball around. So the next day, he stopped by the office and asked if he could help them out coaching baseball. Tim was passed on to Juan Pablo who has just recently organized a baseball team among the kids and is very eager for some reinforcements. Thus, Tim is now helping, twice a week, coach 13 to 16 year olds. His first practice was last Wednesday and he LOVED it. The kids have hardly any baseball experience, but still had a blast.

Q School
Good news on the school front: we’ve found a school for Quincy that we really like that is very close to our home. Thank you so much for praying with us about it. When Kim took Quincy for the entrance evaluation (that’s very normal in Mexico… even for the 1st grade), she met a neighbor of ours who’s son will be in the same class as Quincy. Her name is Carina and Dario is her son.

Other Prayer Requests
Please keep praying for the leadership growing among all the churches in the area and for the time the emerging leaders spend together each month. Omar has been attending these meetings with Tim and we pray for more contact between our church and the others in the area.

Tim will be traveling to Tulsa for the workshop there at the end of March. Please prayer for safe travel, renewal, and God’s working during that week. He will be speaking Thursday morning about what God is doing in Guadalajara. Kim’s sister and nieces will be here while he is gone.


The Gearharts said...

We love you guys. We are so glad to hear you found a school you like for Q, and always encouraging to hear about amazing things God is doing.
Amy G

Terry Rush said...

How encouraging to see God's work flow without our pleading and prodding. How fun to see kingdom be fun!

Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hello Rush family! I happened on your blog while searching for orphanages or schools in Cozumel where we can make donations of soccer equipment. Can you suggest a contact at the Cuidad de los Ninos? or Other? I am travelling there April 1, 2007. Thanks - DPF Michigan, USA email: dpfairbanks@comcast.net