
Quote of the Day

From Philip Yancey's book on prayer, "We who barely comprehend ourselves are approaching a God we cannot possibly comprehend (p. 48)."

Or, myself to Karsyn just a few minutes ago. "No, no punkin, we don't eat anything that falls into the potty."


Anonymous said...

...both good points...

Kristi said...

I'm really not trying to earn points, but man, Karsyn is captivating!! Really beautiful; what a sweet picture.
Love you guys
Paul used you in a sermon yesterday. He forwarned them that they would be hearing more about this "Tim" guy.
It was the idea about the sign outside the church building that God would change according to the priority of the church at that given time.

Kristi said...

oops...forewarned?? I don't know-I give up.

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

I'm curious to know what she put in the potty that she wanted to eat!

Terry Rush said...

Ohhhh, and just when did we change our position on the latter?

Anonymous said...

Gross, Terry, that explains all the reteaching that I have had to do with a certain someone we both know and love.

Anonymous said...

Clarification: it was a little training potty, still clean-ish although she was sitting on it with a purpose. Probably she dropped a Cheerio in there . . . quite the multi-tasker we have.

And just to share another kid story (not to leave anyone out.) Yesterday Clark was flapping his arms as hard and fast as he could. Then he looked up at me with serious disappointment in his eyes (and voice) and said "I can't fly. I can't fly". Reach for the stars buddy!