
American Idol

Have you heard the news that Paula Abdul and Randy Jackson are going to be fired from American Idol? I have no idea if it is true or not, but that's the headline on my AOL news. The shocker is that Brittney Spears might be in line to replace Paula. Eeck.

Who would you suggest? I see the creepy guy who played Greg Brady being a good choice.


Dusty Rush said...

I vote Keith Lancaster. He's a celebrity, isn't he?

tim rush said...

now that would be interesting.

Brenda said...

I vote for Boy George or Meatloaf!

preacherman said...

Bono! But, He's Irish...ummm...James Blunt! Darn, He's British!....um.....Dave Mathews.

tim rush said...

Hey, what about a Keith Lancaster/Idol at next years workshop? Try-outs the first day and then the last couple days for live contests.

Oh, it'll be the scene man!

Su said...

I didn't think Greg Brady was that creepy.

Brenda said...

I like that idea at the workshop. I can see it now..."Acappella Idol" See how quick they can put a group together. Tryouts on Wednight and Thurs, announce the winners at Thurs night keynote and put the group together on Friday and have a concert on Saturday. How cool would that be!!!!
Is it possible to put a group together in just 4 days?

Lisa said...

What about one of the Cassidy brothers? Or Mickey Dolenz of the Monkees? Oooh! How about Jan Michael Vincent . . . he starred in an 80's TV show about a secret agency and its black secret weapon . . .