
Comings and Goings

I woke up this morning worried about two things; both involving travel. (I have to admit that I’m much more of a worrier than I should be.) First, I was thinking about how grateful I am that we won’t be driving out of Mexico this year on furlough. It seems that Nuevo Larado and the border in general is becoming more and more of a war zone (drug wars). And it is so frightening passing through there with the family.

The other is the drive we’ll make in a couple of hours through Jocotan to be with our church in that neighborhood. It is a very poor neighborhood with all the stereo-type action… lots of drunks wandering around, lots of unattended kids playing in the streets. And to get to the family's home, we have to back down a dead-end street. I hate it! I’m always afraid a small kid is going to run, unseen, behind the car. This scares me for the child, but also for my own. If we were to hurt one of theirs, getting out ourselves wouldn’t be a certainty.

So this morning, God had this to share with me (from Psalms 121).

“I will keep you from all harm – I will watch over your life; I will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Again, I’m in awe that this all-powerful God, can communicate to us on even the most obscure level, speaking to fears that are ours TODAY.


flee said...

I'm very thankful that God assured you of his involvment in your daily life! He is so good at that. My prayers are with you and Kim also. Love you guys...flee

The Gearharts said...

We agree. There are so many crazy things happening around us, but we serve a God that is in control. He has the power to "Keep us from all harm". What a glorious and merciful God we serve!
Amy G

Anonymous said...

That sounds like my neighborhood and I LIVE in the US... I am not sure if you remember me but I was in AIM many moons ago. If you are hanging around Angie, I am sure we will bump into you! God be with you in your travels. Heather (Meek) Winter

Anonymous said...

I mean at Tulsa..sorry...

The Harris Family said...

Thanks for giving me perspective and some encouragement to trust in God. He is in control. During good times and bad times, He is in control and working.

I gotta post this on your blog also... We are going to Tulsa! Can't wait to see your face and hug your neck.


tim rush said...

Are you kidding me J? That is too cool. Will the kids be coming too? Great if you want to hug my neck, but no wrestling in underwear.

Heather, I so remember you. We're Portugal cousins!

Flee, I was just thinking about you today... hope you're still digging Arkansas.

Los Gearharts, we need to skype again soon. Hope the neighbors aren't still trying to get Jeff liquored up.


Blessings on safe travel. You'll be blessed by God, Tulsa and your family.

Enjoy your time in the states.

The Harris Family said...

No joke... We're there... Just me and Michelle. We're excited about it. I promise, no underware wrestling... Does that mean you're asking for "no underware wrestling?" If so, you've got bigger issues that I do. :-)



tim rush said...

Dude, this is a family-friendly blog thank you very much.


The Gearharts said...

What is Hay-de-mi? And we would like you to post a blog if it isn't too much trouble. Thanks

Zack said...

Tim and family:
Hi! This is Zack Blaisdell. I'm praying for y'all. I read an email from Dwight Whitsett about y'all. It was about 3 recent baptisms y'all had. Praise God for that! Keep up the GREAT work y'all are doing out there! Keep AIMing to bring others to Him.
I have a blog too. It's website is www.zack-blaisdell.blogspot.com. Feel free to check it out whenever possible. Blessings! Peace.

Patrick Sheaffer said...

Good thoughts... thanks for the reminder...
Can't wait to hug your neck at Tulsa.... I've got a surprise for ya too:) Gobs of Gooses, Pooter