
Proverbs 17:28

“Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.”

Boy do I have a lot to say about this one. But for once, I think I’ll hold my tongue.


Heather said...

Ummmm... I guess I don't have a comment either. (hehe)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no they're not Amish, sorry took so long to get the answer to you. they are a bit weird, but right on with child rearing. i wonder if we think God was kidding when He said "Spare the rod......" i'm not perfect by far with this, but i see too many parents in selfish(including myself)anguish over this. sorry, a bit off subject

Anonymous said...

holding my tongue too

Rick L said...

Oh, I get it!

The Harris Family said...

Here is what I have to say on this subject...

... (fool trying to look wise)

Anonymous said...

Hello Tim,

Don't have anything to say regarding the post, but I just thought I would let you know that I've found you. It is so cool to see pics of your familia. Hope things are well with you. I'll try to join in on the thoughts you share. Talk to you soon.


tim rush said...

Heather, Jeff, Flee and Jason, Well said!

Monica, I bet I even know who gave you that book. Probably the same who gave it to Kim.

Rick, is that El Lathrop?

And Shack, dude, I was just mentioning Coach McNutt on here the other day and thought about you. Wished you were here to give me an Amen. ...he was a crazed nut.

Anonymous said...

Well, my cover was blown ages ago! So I just blabber on...

tim rush said...

Angie, that's the beauty of living in Mexico. Living so far away, I can hope people forget things!

Rick L said...

Si. Soy el Senor Lathrop. Enjoying your blog.